
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2018

LB-65 Compatibility Testing

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم    T he transfusion services establish a process for compatibility testing. LB.65.1 There is a process to ensure the detection of ABO incompatibility between the recipient’s serum/ plasma and the donor’s RBC. LB.65.2 The process ensures the compatibility testing is performed on integrally attached segment from the donor’s RBC unit. LB.65.3 The process ensures the checking for presence, now or in the past, of clinically significant antibody in the patient’s serum. LB.65.4 The process ensures the proper labeling of cross-matched units with patient’s name, patient’s identification number and patient’s ABO /Rh- D. معيار اليوم هو اخر نقطه لتتويج عملنا السابق ببنك الدم حيث هيتم تحضير وحده دم مناسبه لمريضك  وهنا يستلزم ان تكون في سياسه واضحه لطريقه عمل compatibility  testing وبالتالي هيكون في lab test procedure  يوضح هذا الامر بالخطوات ومنها ١-عمليه التوافق بين  patient  plasma or serum  علي حسب طريقه الاخ...

LB-64 Criteria for Blood Component Selection

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  T he transfusion services develop a system for the selection of blood/ blood product for transfusion. LB.64.1 There are policies and procedures for the selection of blood/blood product for transfusion to ensure the following: LB.64.1.1 The selected red blood cells component is ABO group-specific or ABO groupcompatible with the recipient’s plasma. LB.64.1.2 Only Rh-D negative red blood cell components are transfused to Rh-D negative patients. LB.64.1.3 Identification of the conditions for the release of Rh-D positive red blood cells components to Rh-D negative patients. LB.64.1.4 If the patient has current or previous history of clinically significant antibodies in the patient serum, the selected red cells must lack the corresponding antigen(s). LB.64.2 There are policies and procedures for the selection of plasma components for transfusion to ensure the following: LB.64.2.1 The selected plasma component is ABO group-specific or ABO group-...

LB-63 Pre- transfusing testing of the Recipient

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم   T he blood bank and transfusion services implement a system for pretransfusion testing of the recipient. LB.63.1 Pre-transfusion testing is performed on a specimen collected from the recipient with every admission and within three days of the scheduled transfusion time. LB.63.2 There is a consistency between patient’s current and historical records (including group/type, antibody screening). Discrepancies are resolved before performing compatibility testing. LB.63.3 When there is no history for the patient in the transfusion services records or computer system, two determinations of the patients ABO/RhD must be made on two specimens collected during the current admission. LB.63.4 Pre-transfusion testing includes: LB.63.4.1 Determination of the patient’s forward ABO group (RBC grouping). LB.63.4.2 Determination of the patient’s reverse ABO group (Serum Grouping). LB.63.4.3 Determination of the patient’s Rh-D type. LB.63.4.4 Detection ...

LB-62 Receiving or Sending blood Component Inside or outside the Blood bank

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  T he blood bank and transfusion services implement a system for receiving or sending blood and blood products to outside facilities. LB.62.1 There are written blood supply/exchange agreements with outside facilities covering the following: LB.62.1.1 Agreement conditions (including accreditation status). LB.62.1.2 Agreement on adequate blood/blood components inventory. LB.62.1.3 Role of the involved parties in look back and transfusion transmitted diseases investigation. LB.62.1.4 Release of blood, blood components or information to a third party. LB.62.1.5 Validity of agreement and agreement review schedule. LB.62.1.6 Resolving disputes. LB.62.2 There is a written procedure describing the process for requesting or releasing blood from or to outside facilities. LB.62.3 Policies and procedures on receipt and inspection of incoming blood/blood components include: LB.62.3.2 Checking for meeting predefined acceptance criteria for each bl...

LB-61 Quality Control in Blood Bank Reagent

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم   1 The Blood bank and transfusion services develop a system for reagents quality control . LB.61.1 Policies and procedures ensure performance of reagents quality control on each day of use. LB.61.2 Policies and procedures ensure anti-sera are checked against known positive and negative cells. LB.61.3 Policies and procedures ensure reagent Red Blood Cells are checked against known positive and negative anti-sera. LB.61.4 Policies and procedures ensure results are checked against predefined acceptable results. LB.61.5 Policies and procedures ensure results are reviewed and reagents are approved before use for patient testing. LB.61.6 Corrective actions are taken for unacceptable results . زي اي اختبار بيحدث في المختبر قبل ما تتطلع نتيجه له لازم تكون عامل QC daily نفس التفاصيل ب LB-14 بلإضافة انك تكون عامل له:  -32 Proficiency testing                     LB    ...

LB-60 Thawing of Cryo

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  T he blood bank and transfusion services develop policies and procedures to ensure that the thawed CRYO units are handled in an appropriate manner. LB.60.1 Thawed CRYO units are prepared by thawing CRYO units between 30 and 37°C without direct contact with the water. RDS LB.60.2 Thawed CRYO units are stored and transported at room temperature (between 20 and 24°C). LB.60.3 Thawed CRYO units are assigned an expiration time of six hours from the thawing time for individual units and four hours from the thawing time of pooled units. LB.60.4 Requirements for CRYO preparation, storage, transport and expiration appl y. زي مااتكلمنا سابقا عن خطوات thawing FFP...معيار    LB-59 اليوم هنتكلم عن  thawing of Cryo هي نفس الخطوات والاحتياطات السابقه ... و لكن الفارق الوحيد: هي 1-درجه الحراره النقل والاحتفاظ  2-ومده الصلاحيه   ......... بعد thawing اولا ؛ فدرجه  حراره الاحتفاظ بعد thawing حتي الاستعمال ...