
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2018

LB-59 Thawing Of FFP

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The blood bank and transfusion services develop policies and procedures to ensure that the thawed Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) units are handled in an appropriate maner LB.59.1 Thawed FFP units are prepared by thawing the FFP between 30 and 37°C without direct contact with the water. LB.59.2 Thawed FFP units are stored under properly controlled conditions between 1 and 6°C. LB.59.3 Thawed FFP units are transported in properly insulated container between 1 and 10°C. LB.59.4 Thawed FFP units are assigned an expiration time of twenty four hours from the thawing time. LB.59.5 Requirements for FFP preparation, storage, transport and expiration apply.   امس اتكلمنا علي تخزين وحدات الدم اليوم هنتكلم علي خطوه جديده بيقوم بيها بنك الدم قبل مايصرف وحده FFP...........................ألاوهي Thawing وهنا بتطمئن المعايير ان اثناء thawing لم تفقد الوحده جودتها وذلك عن طريق:- ١-إتمام عمليه thawing في water bath -في درجه حراره بين 30-37C ....

LB-58/2 Blood Bank Storage Device

.........................continue ٦-بيكون عندك سياسه عمل توضح فيها الخطوات اللي بتسيير عليها في حاله تأكدك ان الثلاجه او.....لاتعطي قراءه صحيحه وهنا ١-بتذكر جاهزيتك ...لثلاجه اخري او ..... ٢-ترتيبك لانتقال الوحدات خارج الثلاجات في حاله العطل الموءقت ( الي اربع ساعات ) وكيفية حفظها في Ice box ٣-ترتيبك لخروجها الي بنك دم اخر-وتذكر هنا ---طريقه النقل                                                       ------ /الاتصالات                                                         -----الشخص المسءول علي مدار ٢٤ساعه وتحدد agreement مع بنك الدم المذكور طريقه تسلم وتسليم الوحدات كيفيه استقبالها مره اخري بعد زوال العطل  Endorsement sheet ويستحسن انك تعمل سياسه مستقله Failure of temperature equipment ولا تنسي ا...

LB-58 Blood Bank Storage Device

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 58 The blood bank and transfusion services use appropriate blood and blood components storage devices. LB.58.1 The blood and blood components storage devices are: LB.58.1.1 Designed for the intended use. LB.58.1.2 Equipped with continuous temperature monitoring system (temperature recording). LB.58.1.3 Equipped with audio/visual alarm systems. LB.58.2 The device's alarm and monitoring system conforms with the following: LB.58.2.1 Activates at a temperature that allows for intervention before the contents reaches unacceptable temperature. LB.58.2.2 Activates at an area staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. LB.58.2.3 Connected to a separate or DC power supply. LB.58.3 The alarm system is checked weekly. LB.58.4 Alarm activation temperatures are checked quarterly. LB.58.5 The inner temperature of blood storage devices is monitored and recorded at least once a day using a standardized thermometric device. LB.58.6 In the eve...

LB-57 Therapeutic Donation

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 57 The blood bank has a process for request, approval, and execution of therapeutic procedures. LB.57.1 The process ensures all therapeutic procedures are ordered and justified by an authorized physician. LB.57.2 The process ensures the blood bank medical director or designee is responsible for reviewing therapeutic procedures orders for appropriateness and evaluating patient clinical and laboratory data before approving the procedure. LB.57.3 The process ensures therapeutic procedures are explained to the patient and consented. LB.57.4 The process ensures that blood/ blood components discarded immediately after collection قد ذكرنا في بعض المعايير السابقه بعض خصاءص التبرع العلاجي  Therapeutic donation ففضلت سباهي  ان تذكرها اليوم مجمله وذلك حتي يكون هناك سياسه خاصه قائمه بذاتها توضح النقاط الاتيه: A-ان طلب التبرع ووصفه يكون موثق من قبل الطبيب المعالج بوصفه علاجيه .......يوضح فيها التشخيص وكميه الدم المسحوبة وبعد الانتهاء من التبر...

LB-56 Releasing of In Complete Testing Unit

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 56 The transfusion services establish a process for the release of incompletely tested blood/blood components. LB.56.1 There are implemented policies, processes and procedures to ensure that incompletely tested blood/blood components can be released under the following circumstances: LB.56.1.1 For urgent need only. LB.56.1.2 Upon the discretion of the medical director of the transfusion medicine, the agreement of the attending physician and the consent of the patient or next of kin, when applicable. LB.56.1.3 Approved only for a particular patient and one transfusion event. LB.56.1.4 The released blood products are conspicuously labeled to this effect. LB.56.2 Testing of the blood/blood components must be completed and reported promptly to the attending physician. LB.56.3 Deviations and exceptions standard in this chapter applies. اليوم معيار سباهي بيضع اهتمامه علي نقطتين اتكلمنا فيهم اثناء general standards وهما  ١- laboratory...

LB-55 Prevent of unnecessary unit to inventory (Quarantine Units )

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The blood bank establishes a process to prevent the release of units that  are  not suitable for transfusion to the available inventory       LB.55.1 Policies, processes, and procedures ensure the accuracy and legibility of identification information. LB.55.2 Policies, processes, and procedures ensure the agreement of the identification information (records and donor units). LB.55.3 Policies, processes, and procedures ensure the performance of visual inspection for discoloration, clots, hemolysis, and adequacy of seal. LB.55.4 Policies, processes, and procedures ensure two qualified staff members perform and document this activity. معيار اليوم  تأكيدا علي جميع الخطوات السابقه من حيث ١-طريقه تعريفك بالمتبرع وتطابق المتبرع مع الهويه /الباسبور وهذا ماتم شرحه في معيار LB-33 وتم ذكر ان المتبرع بيبرز هويته ثلاث مرات (قبل التسجيل لاخذ الاستبيان -قبل الفحص الطبي -قبل سحب الدم مباشره ) ٢- مرحله تحويل المتبرع ...

LB-54 ABO/Rh-D Confirmation

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The blood bank has a process to confirm the ABO/Rh-D of donated blood. LB.54.1 There is a process to confirm the ABO/Rh-D of donated blood which mandates that segment from RBC components is subjected to the following testing: LB.54.1.1 Determination of the donor’s forward ABO group (RBC grouping). LB.54.1.2 Determination of the donor’s Rh-D type. LB.54.1.3 ABO/Rh-D conformation is performed after initial labeling. LB.54.2 Discrepancies are solved before releasing any blood/blood components. لقد تم ذكر متطلبات سباهي لعمل الفصيله للمتبرع في معيارLB-50 وقد ذكرنا ان الفصيله بيتم عملها مرتين مره من EDTA tube و مره من segment ولكن النقطه المهمه في معيار اليوم والتي تريد سباهي إبرازه ......ه و توقيت عمل blood group من  segment حيث طلبت سباهي ان تكون خطوه  confirmation   للفصيله تكون      بعد   initial labeling (معيار امس-(LB-53 )و هذا تأكيدا علي اهميه معيار  initial labeling ...

LB-53 Initial labeling

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 53  The blood bank develops a process for initial labeling of blood and blood comoponont LB.53.1 There are policies and procedures to ensure that: LB.53.1.1 Blood and blood components are not labeled before completion of the donor testing. LB.53.1.2 Blood and blood components are not labeled before the discard of unacceptable units. ) LB.53.2 Initial labeling requirements include: LB.53.2.1 Identification of the collecting facility. LB.53.2.2 Product name. LB.53.2.3 Unit number. LB.53.2.4 ABO/Rh. LB.53.2.5 Expiration date and time بعد ما تخلصنا من  sero- positive  واتاكدنا ان الوحدات Sero- negative   بنضع sticker الذي يدل علي صلاحيه الوحده للنقل لأي مريض وهذا مايسمي  ب I nitial labeling  ويجب ان يحتوي علي الخمس نقاط الاتيه ؛ ١-اسم بنك الدم  ٢-نوع الوحده هل هي  plat -PRBCs--FFP.-leukodepleted... ٣-رقم الوحده (وهي من  اول مرحله التبرع عندما ذكرنا ان معلومات المتبرع تحولت الي...

LB-52 Discard Of Unacceptable Unit

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The blood bank establishes a process for the identification and discard of unacceptable blood/blood product LB.52.1 The process mandates two qualified staff members to perform and document this activity. LB.52.2 The process mandates discarding unacceptable components before the initial labeling of blood and blood components بعد ما سحبنا من المتبرع وحده الدم وفِي نفس الوقت اخذنا اول 15 ملي مثلا للاختبارات وتم ترقيم وتعريف واحد لكل من  (العينات والوحده ) وتم فصلهم الي مكانين مختلفين 1-     احدهم (وحده  فصل مكونات الدم ) لفصل المكونات حامله نفس التعريف والترقيم 👆👆👆  2-     والثاني (العينات)لعمل الاختبارات (حامله نفس التعريف ونفس الترقيم👆👆👆 )والتي منها اختبارات الاوبئه .....وعند وصول النتاءج سواء من مختبر خارجي او قسم داخلي (شرح امس) معيار اليوم هيجمعهم مره تانيه بحيث نفصل ماهو  موجب عن ماهو سالب ....... وطبعا هذه نقطه فيصليه في حياه المريض بل ...... وحياه موظفين بنك الدم...

LB-51 Infectious Disease Testing

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 51 The blood bank develops a process to prevent disease transmission by blood/platelet transfusion . LB.51.1 There are policies and procedures mandating that a sample of blood obtained from the donor during blood/ blood component collection is subjected to the following infectious diseases testing: LB.51.1.1 HBsAg. LB.51.1.2 Anti-HBc. LB.51.1.3 Anti-HCV. LB.51.1.4 Anti-HIV-1/2. LB.51.1.5 Anti-HTLV-I/II. LB.51.1.6 HIV-1 RNA. LB.51.1.7 HCV RNA. LB.51.1.8 HBV DNA. LB.51.1.9 Serological test for syphilis. LB.51.1.10 Other additional or supplemental tests as mandated by relevant health authorities. LB.51.2 The blood bank has a process to limit and detect bacterial contamination in platelet components. The process: LB.51.2.1 Describes the blood bank approach to limit bacterial contamination and the investigations of positive cases. LB.51.2.2 Ensures the employed detection method is sensitive enough to detect significant bacterial conta...