LB-59 Thawing Of FFP

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The blood bank and transfusion services develop policies and procedures to ensure that the thawed Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) units are handled in an appropriate maner LB.59.1 Thawed FFP units are prepared by thawing the FFP between 30 and 37°C without direct contact with the water. LB.59.2 Thawed FFP units are stored under properly controlled conditions between 1 and 6°C. LB.59.3 Thawed FFP units are transported in properly insulated container between 1 and 10°C. LB.59.4 Thawed FFP units are assigned an expiration time of twenty four hours from the thawing time. LB.59.5 Requirements for FFP preparation, storage, transport and expiration apply. امس اتكلمنا علي تخزين وحدات الدم اليوم هنتكلم علي خطوه جديده بيقوم بيها بنك الدم قبل مايصرف وحده FFP...........................ألاوهي Thawing وهنا بتطمئن المعايير ان اثناء thawing لم تفقد الوحده جودتها وذلك عن طريق:- ١-إتمام عمليه thawing في water bath -في درجه حراره بين 30-37C ....